Support and Service

Harel Information Technologies puts customer satisfaction first, for this purpose the company has an array of technicians, laboratories, service center.

Array of technicians

Nationwide, which includes about 40 technicians, who have regularly updated certifications and training, depending on the field of specialization.


Harel operates 5 laboratories. All meet ISO standards and include antistatic surfaces and grounding connection.

Service Center

Set up for receiving and opening service calls, and includes a smart system for tracking calls and routing calls according to loads.

Hours of operation: Sunday-Thursday – 8: 00-17: 00, Friday and holiday eves 8: 00-13: 00, or by email

End-to-End Service

For all the customer’s IT systems (servers, storage systems, workstations, etc.) and even beyond the basic level of service, including the ability for up to 7 years of service at the customer’s site.

Transfer of Computer Rooms

Transition Project Including Mapping

marking the items in the computer rooms. Thorough mapping at the level of the type of equipment, manufacturer, unique marking for critical systems and more. Thorough mapping prevents glitches down the road.

Packaging and Transportation

for subcontractors of Harel transport and special transportation equipment. We take responsibility for the work of all subcontractors.

Escort After the Transition

the project manager and the Harel team accompany the client in lifting the system into the air and putting it into a routine run until the moment when our support is no longer needed.

Service Declaration

This service declaration expresses our commitment to provide our customers with a professional and efficient service. Harel Information Technologies puts customer satisfaction with service over time in the first place. Our goal and commitment – to train our representatives to provide a professional solution for every aspect of the service, to technically support every customer and every level of knowledge, so that the customer can enjoy a professional, fast and efficient repair service.

Harel operates an array of service technicians nationwide. Harel also operates laboratories for all types of equipment it supplies.

Harel undertakes not to limit the time of handling the fault, in order to provide the best service it can provide. We are committed to updating our customers in all inquiries to the service and support center about the expected waiting time. We are committed to conducting customer satisfaction surveys, studying them and getting better. We will be happy to provide you with service by our professional employees.